
The Woodnotes rug collection contains 64 designs created out of the harmonious combinations of 10 patterns and 10 colour alternatives. The material is paper yarn (86 %) and cotton (14 %). Paper yarn does not gather dust or dirt, an important feature particularly for those allergic to dust. Woodnotes rugs tolerate humid conditions well and, due to the tight weave, they do not ignite easily. Woodnotes rugs are supplied with soil-repellent treatment, which makes it easy to care for them.


The Woodnotes rug collection contains 64 designs created out of the harmonious combinations of 10 patterns and 10 colour alternatives. The material is paper yarn (86 %) and cotton (14 %). Paper yarn does not gather dust or dirt, an important feature particularly for those allergic to dust. Woodnotes rugs tolerate humid conditions well and, due to the tight weave, they do not ignite easily. Woodnotes rugs are supplied with soil-repellent treatment, which makes it easy to care for them.

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